
Welcome to the Fenelon Falls Real Estate Blog


Our First Podcast

Stay tuned for more helpful information about Real estate in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the Fenelon Falls area.

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Interest rates rising?

Tuesday, July 19th is the day we are supposed to hear whether or not interest rates will rise.  Will they? 

From what I have read, the jury is out on this.  "They" have been forecasting a rate hike for this month since last September.  But due to the current unpredictable state of U.S. and Europe markets, some analysts suggest rates will continue to stay low, at least until the U.S. figures out how they are going to handle their debt ceilings. 

There are other factors to add to the mix too:  inflation in Canada is at an eight year high, employment growth levels are steady, and the economy here is robust and sustainable.

So, what will happen?  Tomorrow will tell.

Meanwhile, we have been busy in Fenelon Falls.  Prices are not going up - some are actually dropping.  The weather, though, is hot and muggy.  Less serious buyers are visiting our town to enjoy the waterfront and lake breezes.  That means the ones that are still looking are serious!  So, if you are thinking of buying or selling - the timing is perfect!!  Give us a call and we'll be happy to help you out!




Canada Day Weekend, 2011:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA!

Wow!  What a busy town this weekend!  The fireworks display last night has

people talking.  Some say it was the best show this town has had.  It takes place every year, weather provided, from the beach park.  Hundreds of people watch from their boats on Cameron Lake, many more watch from shore.  Add that to our new docking along the canal/locks, the updated beach area with paved walkways, gazebo, volleyball court, sandy wade-in beach – all connected of course, with the newly expanded Maryboro Lodge Museum serving strawberry shortcake in the afternoon.   Top it all off with the Harry Peterson Band* playing their classic rock hits at the Cow and Sow ‘til the wee small hours of the morning, and you have one fun-filled terrific town to visit! 

We are in a slight lull right now, as everyone takes a break before tonight’s festivities.  Soon the town will be full of shoppers enjoying Midnight Madness and the Lockjam concert.  There will be lots of activities to keep everyone amused – from face painting, airbrush tattoos, and bouncy castle for the kids, to good food, great buys, and entertainment for the grown-ups.  There’s more, but You just need to be here to take it all in.  Hope to see you there!


*totally intended to promote my husband and son’s band.  Check them out on Facebook.


Entry #2 - Canadian vs U.S. Real Estate Market

Blog entry #2 emails me their news letters on a regular basis.   Finding time to read them is a challenge, but I always feel compelled to share the info when I do make the time.  Two recent articles discuss the Canadian Real Estate market versus the American Real Estate market.  We have all heard some people’s strong opinions stating something to the effect – “Whatever happens in the U.S. will eventually happen here in Canada.  Therefore, our real estate market is doomed to crash eventually.” 

Well, I have always disputed such negative opinions.  We have a different banking system in Canada with regulations protecting Canadians from the pitfalls in which so many Americans have landed.  These two articles, titled “Might doesn’t always make right especially when comparing Canadian and U.S. real estate markets”  and “Flaherty’s Changes Impact Housing Market”  confirm this. (Check out our facebook site – Peter and Wendy Witt – to read the entire articles.)

 Canadians have a safe and strong real estate market.  We are fortunate to live in a country where we have the right to own our home, however, this right comes with responsibility.  Changes to Mortgage qualifications in our market will help Canadians avoid taking on more debt than they can handle and also encourage them to pay off debt faster.  Many Americans were allowed to purchase homes they couldn’t afford when times were good, and were not prepared when the economic climate changed. 

When purchasing a home, you must be aware of all costs involved, and have a plan for handling them.  Do you have a plan for paying off your mortgage?  What happens if you lose your job?  Interest rates are very low now, but can you still afford your mortgage payments if rates are higher when it comes time to renew at the end of your term? Are you responsible enough to be a homeowner?

Few investments match the benefits of home ownership. Home owners can invest in themselves, take advantage of capital gains, build equity and house their families.  But it is not an investment you should walk into with your eyes closed.  Knowledge is power.  If you are thinking of buying your first home, and have questions, please give us a call. We love to share!   



My Blog:

The first question that comes to mind as I begin this blog is. “Who will my reader be?”  I suppose the answer to this will be, “Anyone who visits site.  So, I should warn you, I won’t always be writing about real estate statistics and trends, although, if the mood strikes, sometimes I will.  After all, this is our business and we do have knowledge to share.

But today I feel like writing about why we moved to Fenelon Falls.  So, my memories float back about 25 years, when, with 3 kids aged 5, almost 7 and 9, we moved here, in August, about two weeks before school started.

On the first day of school, even my youngest deserted me to begin her scholastic journey, leaving me alone to unpack stacks of boxes.  A slip of paper fell out of one book as I placed it on the bookshelf.  On this sheet was a list of goals I had written about seven years earlier.  One of my goals was a description of the home I would live in one day.  I wanted to live in a small town, near a lake, on a tree lined street, where my kids could ride their bikes and play in safety, away from big city influences.  Wow!  They say there is magic in writing out your goals, but until that moment I wasn’t sure it was true.  Now, here I was living my dream, having achieved that very goal.

So, why did we move here?   Was it destiny?  Did my subconscious bring me here?  Whatever the reason, we were ‘home’ and Fenelon Falls was stuck with us.  We have never regretted the decision to move to Fenelon Falls.  But, a word to the wise………… careful what you wish for.  Make it a good one because it might come true.